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Gambling’s Worst Secret EVER Finally Revealed….

Written by Thomas | Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

It was revealed this past week that the world’s worst secret in online and live gambling was actually something everyone already knew….for at least a year now [insert mild “LOL” here].

Just because it’s our responsibility to make sure our visitors are staying current with the latest news going on in the gambling arena, we’ll just go ahead and let you know – just in case you haven’t been following 2+2 or the other million poker news sites out there for the past few months that have already dropped the bomb on this:

PokerStars‘ newest Team Pro “Isildur1” is VIKTOR BLOM.

The 18-year old with the horrible Justin Bieber comb over was the target of mass speculation after losing countless millions at the highest nosebleed stakes over at Full Tilt Poker in 2010. After coming onto the poker scene with a bang and owning online gurus like Tom Dwan for countless millions, he would end up losing it all back and then some to the same pros he had previously stacked when he first started playing online.   Uber poker legend Phil Ivey was a huge benefactor in all this and most wondered when “Isildur1” would pack it in or if he would just keep reloading.

He would then disappear off the radar for awhile before resurfacing as PokerStars’ newest face – or well, lack of face for that matter. Banners and images of their newest team member were blacked out on their website for the last couple weeks, most likely to keep the allure and legend of Isildur1’s name intact. There was nothing wrong with this intriguing marketing ploy (see below)….and hell, it would’ve worked too if….

Well…if 80% of the poker community didn’t already know it was Viktor Blom already.

PokerStars isn’t known for sh*tting the bed this bed, but come on guys – what were you thinking? A guy who is in the red for millions and you sign him to a contract?  Hmmmmmm……

Now I could understand if he was a player of Tom Dwan-like caliber.  I mean even then, Full Tilt hesitated for months before finally succumbing to what most of us already knew – that “Durrrrr” is GOD and should have been a Red Pro a long time ago.

But making this guy apart of Team PokerStars?  The biggest gambling website on the planet!?  I don’t know what’s worse:  them signing this kid as a Pro or bringing on Star Trek actor Wil Wheaton on board as a Pro a few years back….but hey, I digress I suppose.

Anyways, this is just a mild rant/feel-good news story that needed to be posted in case you were one of the dozen people out there who didn’t know who Isildur1 was.

*Note: Please detect the sarcasm and fun in this article and please give me a nice silent chuckle in your head at least.  It would make me a feel a lot better about being the most evil being in the world 🙂

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